Tuesday, 17 November 2009

Researcing current college magazines

The front cover of this magazine (issue 8) has a black background. There are twelve different photos all taken from different shots. All of the images show the students having a good time, some of them are drinking and some shots have been taken from their trip to New York. Different shots include a long-shot of a crowd of students in a club at a bash, a medium close-up of two girls smiling at the camera, a three shot of three guys at the bash with drinks and smiling. This represents that students at Ludlow College have a good time and go to bashs or on exciting trips such as New York. The images grab the readers attention and the cover lines explain what the photos are about and show what other stories are included in the magazine.

The front cover also includes cover lines which are in different colours making the magazine stand out and grab the reader’s attention. The different colours of the magazine and the hearts used to link the images together show that this cover has been produced by younger people and is quite child like. The colours aren’t very sophisticated e.g. red, green and yellow have been used as the colours of the cover lines, however the use of these bright, clashing colours grab the audiences attention and make them want to pick up the magazine and read it.

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