Monday, 18 January 2010

Q magazine contents page textual analysis

· The contents page is set against a white black ground, the word “contents” is written at the top in a bold, sans-serif font which gives the page a feel of sophistication and makes it look smart.
· Above this is some text which advertises the date when the magazine was published and their website address.
· There is a large long shot image of Girls Aloud underneath who are all posing and looking seductive, they are all dressed in black, tight fitted dresses and black heels. This image draws the male audience in because they are drawn to the sex appeal of the magazine which makes them want to read on and look at more images of the girls.
· Underneath the image of girls allowed are two images, one of James Blunt in a long shot standing on what appears to be a rocky beach with the sea and sky as the backdrop. The other of Jeff Buckley in a mid shot who appears to be on stage, he is holding a microphone and looking down at the floor. This appeals to the audience because the image only has a caption of the page number which means the reader will have to read on to find out what the articles about. Also they will want to know where the artist is and what he is doing there.
· Underneath the images is “Q REVIEW THE WORLDS BIGGEST AND BEST MUSIC GUIDE” written in a sans-serif font in red and white. There are page numbers underneath this of where you can find different articles.
· There is one long column down the left hand side of the page which advertise the more important parts of the magazine and the ones the readers are most likely to read. The column is split in to four sections; three boxes which are colour coordinated. The first box is in white, red and black, the second in blue black and white and the final one is the same as the first combination.
· At the bottom of this column is a small long shot image of “The Police” performing on stage with a caption stating which page number the article is on which advertises them but keeps it simple so that if the reader wants to know more about them then they will have to read on.

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